In This Issue:
November meeting on Tuesday the 15th @ The Union Hotel in Santa Rosa - Peter Estournes will enlighten us on how to set up Water Budgets. He will
also show us How the CLCA Water Management Certification Program can fit into California’s efforts to create water use targets for outdoor water use.
Remembering Heather Picard - Equinox Landscape October Meeting Recap: Engineered Static Pile Composting Technology @ Sonoma Mountain Landscape.
Sonoma-Marin Water Saving Partnership Wins 2 EPA Awards at the Water Smart Conference in Las Vegas & also an Irrigation Association Award.
State Benefit of the Month
And More.......
Please RSVP to me for the 5:00 PM Dinner Meeting @ The Union Hotel with Peter Estournes
Connie Salinas - Executive Director/Journal Editor
CA Landscape Contractors Assoc - North Coast Chapter
(707) 217-2139