In This Issue
~ October Dinner Meeting -
FIRE-SMART Landscaping Video Debut -Tuesday, Oct. 19th Foxtail Golf Club in Rohnert Park 6:00 PM. Brought to you by FIRESafe Marin & the North Coast Chapter
A video utilizing fire science from the experts to demonstrate ways that landscaping can be designed or reworked to greatly reduce the risk of houses catching fire during wildfires. Anyone who watches the video, will also be listed on the FIRESafe Marin website as a Fire-Smart Landscaper
RSVP to Connie: or (707) 217-2139
~ Awards Banquet Recap & Photos of the Winners
~ Hunter's Irrigation Design Class
~ Sonoma Marin Saving Water Partnership - Call for gardens for the 2022 Eco-Friendly Garden Tour
~ Rescape Design Training in November